Hep C Outreach

Hep C Outreach Program: VEN Centers

VEN Centers

VEN Centers specialize in diagnosing and treating people with viral Hepatitis and preventing HIV. Founded by the experts who developed Arizona Liver Health clinics, VEN Centers deliver safe and effective viral treatment directly to patients through virtual telemedicine visits, mobile
phlebotomy, in-person appointments, and home medication delivery.

VEN Centers provide:

  • Free Hepatitis C Testing
  • Hepatitis C Treatment
  • Free Hepatitis B Testing
  • Hepatitis B Treatment
  • HIV Prevention & Response: PrEP & PEP

VEN Centers Service

VEN Centers services are available for mobile appointments or at a clinic location near you. Ask your provider at ALH for more information or contact the VEN Centers team directly by using the link or telephone number below.

Ven van 2 scaled e1737047375185 - Arizona's Leading Liver Clinic