Re-treatment of Chronic HCV Genotype 1 Infection After Relapse | Annals of Internal Medicine | American College of Physicians
April 8, 2019 | By John Raslavsky | Publications
Presented in part at The International Liver Congress, European Association for the Study of the Liver, London, United Kingdom, 9–13 April 2014.
Background:The interferon (IFN)–free regimen of sofosbuvir and ribavirin for 24 weeks was recently approved to treat chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 (GT-1) infection for patients ineligible for IFN. However, sofosbuvir plus ribavirin therapy is associated with relapse in 15% to 30% of patients with HCV GT-1. Neither the mechanism of relapse nor the optimal re-treatment strategy for these patients is defined.
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